BACDA USA National President visits the State of 10,000 Lakes

After six years of not having true representation of the Bakossi community of Minnesota at our annual conventions. The Bakossi community of Minnesota invited the BACDA USA community for a sit down. The decision was made at their last monthly meeting and  an invite was sent via their leadership to the National President. On April 7th 2018, the National president of BACDA USA received a warm reception from the bakossi community of Minnesota. The meeting was very informative for both sides. The National president thanked all for the warm reception and noted "feels like home", he reintroduced the mission and vision of BACDA USA and the expectations of its members and chapters as a whole This was followed by a summary of the activities BACDA USA has carried out and has in the pipelines. There was a  brief question and answer session which was concluded with a host of delicious dishes prepared by the host of the meeting. An exchange of gifts was carried out followed by light entertainment with videos of bakossi songs and dance was viewed as we had light discussions on the history of the Bakossi community and BACDA USA as a whole.

This event won't have been possible and so I would start by thanking my host and leader of the Bakossi community Mr. Joel Kalle for your leadership and guidance in creating an opportunity.  I equally want to thank the leadership present and past of the community; Mr. Ekinde and Mr. Ndobedi for continuing to lead. Thank you for your candid talks on various matters. Lastly the members without you all there is no community. I pray the Almighty continues to bless you all and that this is only the first step of many to seeing you all fully committed to the BACDA USA family.


Dr. Akwensioge and the Bakossi Community of Minnesota


Bakossi Jeopardy- Inaugural event at the 28th Convention in Atlanta, GA